WW88 la mot nen tang giai tri truc tuyen da dang, dap ung moi nhu cau cua nguoi dung. Voi su minh bach va cong bang lam tieu chi hang dau, WW88 cung cap hang loat tro choi hap dan cung nhieu uu dai dac biet va chuong trinh khuyen mai gia tri. Dong thoi, dich vu cham soc khach hang tan tam va chuyen nghiep cua WW88 luon san sang ho tro, mang den cho nguoi choi trai nghiem tot nhat.
Phone: 0982654191
Dia chi: 7/15 Pham Van Hai, Phuong 3, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
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👋 Hello, I'm Fabrizio, the guy behind Coolors. Today I introduce Coolors Pro, a subscription plan to premium features, that I believe represents a fundamental step forward for the future of Coolors' development.
So what happens? You can still use nearly every features for free, with mainly these limitations on the account:
You can save up to 10 palettes
You can have only 1 project and 1 collection
You can save up to 5 colors to favorites
Remove ads and popups to enter the heaven of colors
Generate palettes with more than 5 colors automatically or with color theory rules
Save unlimited palettes, colors and gradients, and organize them in projects and collections
Explore more than 10 million color schemes perfect for any project
Pro Profile, a new beautiful page to present yourself and showcase your palettes, projects and collections
Get advanced PDF export options like shades, hues, color blindness, etc.
Unlock additional tools like the new Palette Visualizer to check your colors on real designs
Before you cancel your subscription, please share with me what made you cancel today. Your honest feedback will help me improve a lot! Thanks.
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